Master's Degree
Published: 21/05/2019 - 17:21
Last modification: 31/03/2021 - 14:13
The Graduate Master’s Degree Program in History from the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGHI) exists since 1999. As of April 2020, it had granted titles to 386 candidates with an average of 18 master theses a year. The program’s faculty is composed of 20 professors from different institutional backgrounds and its aim is to qualify holders of a BA in History and other correlated areas to work in teaching and research in History. The program’s concentration is on “History, Culture, and Power”, under which you can find three lines of research: “Cultural practices and power relations”, “Languages, identities, and subjectivities”, and “Territoriality, culture, and power”. Application for new candidates happens through public selection opened yearly in our selection process.
Several research centers and labs are associated to our program: POPULIS (Research Center of Popular Culture, Image, and Sound), NEHAC (Center for Studies in Social History of Art and Culture), NEPHISPO (Center for the Study and Research of Political History), NEGUEM (Center of Gender Studies), LEAH (History Learning and Teaching Lab), LABCIAMB (History of Science and Environmental History Lab), and LAHTEV (History of Labor, Education, and Violence Lab). Through the work of the centers and labs, the Graduate Program also houses important scientific History journals such as ArtCultura, Fênix, Espaço Feminino and Cadernos de Pesquisa do CDHIS. The program’s infrastructure also counts on the Center for History Documentation and Research (CDHIS), whose collection is composed of national and international press material, photographs, posters, videos, records, criminal lawsuits, maps, memorialist work, and private collections.
Program’s Goals
Aiming to qualify professionals to work in teaching and research, as well as in technical areas, public or private institutions and organs, the program stimulates an interdisciplinary approach to foment reflection, theoretical debates, and the production of qualified historical knowledge. Our goals are:
I – to train researchers in skills for the development of original historical research based on the use of historical sources and/or bibliographical reviews;
II – to promote and accomplish original research that is relevant to the field of History through various theoretical, methodological, and historiographical approaches and that is committed to the production of critical, plural, and interdisciplinary knowledge;
III – to foment interdisciplinary and interinstitutional dialogues with research that articulates the undergraduate and graduate courses and enables the consolidation and continuous renewal of the program’s lines and research centers;
IV – to stimulate creativity and offer graduate students in History and correlated areas the conditions for permanent updating, improvement, and specialization to;
V – to stimulate intellectual production in the historiographical field, publicizing and publishing (through events and publications) the results of the research developed in the program;
VI – to improve the students’ technical and professional levels, preparing them for the various areas where historians can work in society.
Program History
The Graduate Master’s Degree Program in History (PPGHI) at the Federal University of Uberlândia was created in 1998 through Resolution number 07/98 of the University Council and recommended by the Technical and Scientific Council of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) on January 9, 1999. In 2018, the Program started a process of reformulation in order to answer the requirements set by the 2017 quadrennial evaluation. At the same time, we established a methodology of self-evaluation and set short, medium, and long-term strategic plans. These actions have aimed at improving the Master’s Degree Program’s qualitative indicators as well as strengthening the PPGHI in regional, national, and international spheres. As part of this process, we approved a new Accreditation, Disaccreditation, and Renewal of Accreditation Resolution (Resolution n. 1/2019 from the COLPPGHI) on December 5, 2019. This Resolution analyzes and evaluates several elements of faculty activity such as administration, bibliographical and technical production, work as advisor, teaching, and extension, all of which carry different weight according to the main goals of graduate study.
On March 12 2019, the PPGHI-UFU’s Joint Committee approved a proposal for the reformulation of the course. Besides new regulation, curricular structure, and disciplines, the Committee also approved the program’s new area of concentration, now called “History, Culture, and Power”, and the new lines of research: “Cultural practices and power relations”, “Languages, identities, and subjectivities”, “Territoriality, culture, and power”. The starting point for this restructuring was the faculty’s research vocation, with the intention of creating an identity that encompassed the work accomplished within the research lines. After a reduction in the number of faculty members due to the disaccreditation of the Doctoral Program, we needed to readjust the number of research lines. The program’s evaluation and reformulation process was concluded on August 7, 2020 when the Research and Graduate Council approved the restructuring proposal. Since then, this proposal has been in its implementation stage. Having the definition of the composition of the new research lines, the program began the general renewal of accreditation as well as the accreditation of new faculty members and the disaccreditation of those who did not comply with Resolution n. 1/2019 of the COLPPGHI.
Candidate profile:
The Master’s Degree Program is aimed at those who have completed a full undergraduate course recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The program does not allow the registration of holders of short-duration courses, associate degrees and the like. The positions are open for the PPGHI’s area of concentration and research lines. Candidates must demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language as a curricular component of the program. We accept the following foreign languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, or German. Non-Portuguese-speaking candidates must also present a proficiency certificate of Portuguese.